The 1st week for fuchchas is coming to a tremendous climax... and we are also busy in the whole melodrama.. hence, i didn't have the time to prepare for the retail management class.
The teacher said "whoever hasn't read the case of handleman's music business, can leave the class".
one by one students started leaving.. I didn't..coz I had already missed two classes .. it would have led to shortage of attendance for me..I stayed quite and pondered over the academic dishoensty, immoral and unethical conduct that i just committed.
Surely, I wanted the class to end soon ... so that the agony would end.
..I didnt have much to offer to the class.. the only time my eyes lit up was when the prof. said "what is the difference between metal and rock"... only to dip in dissappointment soon,when he went on to add "...with respect to the inventory turnover and the volume sales in a retail store". ...gosh! not my day.
However, the prof. announced that he is goona leave us early to attend the "FOOD KING " inauguration.
Whoa!!! we were there for the inauguration.. it is a small food joint in the new campus.
After the buzz and little giggles about the fact that today we goona have free food .. we could see Sharad Babu coming with Bakul Dholakia (the director).
As the flames were lighted and the ribbon was cut ,, it was greeted with more cheer and giggles.
Finally, we heard the ring of the bell to leave, when we heard Prof . Raghuram saying "every one will pay"... lmao .. how come sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Yeah but we left with an appreciation and respect in our mind for Sharad Babu .. not just because he has been cherished by media or documentries made on him. Well for a guy from the streets to rise to this level and then declining the peer pressure of a luxuriant life .. chosing to be different and an entrepreneur in the food sector .. should be appreciated. He has started FOOD KING from the campus... thats good. Lets hope FOOD KING gives the McDs and Pizza-Huts a run for thier money.
.. wish ya luck Sharad !!
Labels: Business
by JAY @ 3:05 PM |Show/Add (1) comments|
[Hide (1) comments]Time for correction ... mittal again defied everythng to have his way ... didnt expect this time.. yeah Arcelor decided to merge wth mittal steels.. one big fat marriage this is.
Labels: Business
by JAY @ 5:34 PM |Show/Add (1) comments|
[Hide (1) comments]After the summer's job, we landed bak in the campus with expectations of freedom and laziness to live wth in the campus... Tuchchadom(tuchchas= 2nd yrs).
The campus started with a lot of serious issues .. in the environment. the nation expected us to start our protest against the quota ... .however, we have our own issues to grapple with. Meetings after meetings with faculty as to "is the demand and tough work required in the IIMA life is justifiable or not" ",issues of ethics and all".
It is a grave concern ... coz tho u want to follow on the lines Harvard.. its not easy .. coz the life b4 and around IIM A in India is not bout ethics and hard work (acdemic dishonesty, cogging, respect ..etc etc). Hence, when we enter here we are not prepared for the hard work demanded of us.
We were briefed on Vishakha Issues( aparentlly supreme court guidelines on gender issues .. lol it brought out a lot of laughter from the crowd.. coz a few rules seemed crazy)...
and then the FREEDOM of INFORMATION issue (strictly means we will have to share a lot of information now.... and with the kind of media attention on the campus .. we were given guidelines to enact to preserve the privacy/pride of the campus).
and then the fun with fuchchas
and then fuchchas (1st year students) started to arrive.
lol it was fun .. they were dicussing "dude we can have the giant screen to watch the WC" "someone knocked my door .. hey!! can i have a movie to watch .. if u can share" "wtf!! the t.v. is not here .. what the ..."
tuchchas: laughter .. laughter laughter .. we lmao .. coz we knew all of them are here for a rude shock..
in the 1st year .. u don watch a footer match dude .. u study and study and sleep for at max 4 hrs a day... he he ..
and the best part as tuchchas while they study and cant get out of thier rooms .. we laugh at them and ... we tease them (our own experince)..
so today was the 1st day and we started shouting in chorus : "MUGGO FACHCHON MUGGO"
(study fuchchas study)..
and yeah today was 1st dorm meeting with dorm fuchchas too. It was ok, we briefed them bout what IIM A is all about.
During the meeting we had outside our dorm, gals (dorm 2) shouting : "DORM 17 ki le li ZIG ZAG ZIG ZAG."(we screwed dorm 17)
We retaliated with the traditional shouts :"D2 ki le li ZIG ZAG" .. It is about the Dorm pride.. we fight like that.. THE war of decibels..the one who outshouts wins.
and then we dunk them (pour water on them)... to repel thier voice attck on us..
and we did repel them... with new fuchchas ... and we shouted them out...
Damn ... my dormie dunked me tooo.. traitor... I have just dried myself and am writing this blog..
More fun to come.. Its TUCHCHADOM .. life of extreme enjoyment .. he he .
by JAY @ 1:25 AM |Show/Add (5) comments|
[Hide (5) comments]I have always had high regards for NITIE, one of the less publicised names in ACADEMIC CAMPUSES.. However the way it attracts good candidate (who are hardcore and good tech grads, almost all engineers..) is to be appreciated.
So,while I am leaving mumbai I goota pay tribute to NITIE where I stayed for almost a month.. (yumm i got free net, was closer to office, and yeah awesome surrounding.. lakes ..powai lakes .. powai hills...) ..damn mumbai is kool ...on one end it has the sea and other end hills/jungles .
this is the view from my room >>
these two look gr8 and that is like the IIT mumbai in the middle of the lake
wheres lets look at the other end of NITIE .. away from town this is the VIHAR LAKE..
there is a story about VIHAR LAKE.. it is one of the lakes that supplies drinking water to mumbai.. and once DAWOOD (yep D company)challenged that he is goona have it poisoned... Since, then visitors entry was dissallowed in and around the area.. the adjoining hills and jungles are to say inhabited by wild animals.. and in 1996 or 98 leopards ventured around and killed some ppl... so like students dont go to this part afta evening (STRANGE.... MUMBAI has an end wth sucha JUNGLI story).. revealation
by JAY @ 11:23 PM |Show/Add (3) comments|
[Hide (3) comments]I found while looking for uploaders.. and its kool.. So, I got an artists' id and a listeners' too.. and I published my 1st album>> CAMPUS BLUES. .. there was a purpose to put those songs on net. Ofcourse they aint mine. Except for those who can get offended by foul filthy language used others can CLICK IT>
Campus Blues is a compilation of songs , which have become popular across the college campuses.. and there is nothing official bout it. So to say ... I beg ya pardon for excessive use of SLANGS (he he ..not really). It comes outta the heart as it is. But the musical composition have to be appreciated wth its merit .. in fact some of them are really good and gr8 voices...(well, they sound funny too) .THESE COMPOSITION MARK A SOCIAL REVOLUTION ( he he not really).. next on line is on OBC reservation .
Sutta : the frustration of the "sutta waaalahs". hey did u see ppl knocking at wee hrs or early in the morning co zthey cant go to loo without it(read sutta).
GMD : melodious. yeah the voice is extremely good. It mocks at the plight of a MBA life. BANG ON. And thats y it has reasons to be successful and popular in and across the campuses.
Counter STRIKE : lmao. man ha ha ha .. hip hop mixed wth rap .. cool .. A gift to the CS ppl.
XLRI : catchy Punjabi.
Labels: Miscallaneous, Music
by JAY @ 11:16 PM |Show/Add (3) comments|
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